Navicular Stress Fracture
I do hate seeing a navicular stress fracture as they usually occur in dedicated athlete who train hard and who put in long hours and are often competing at a high level. I hate seeing it as I have to tell them the news that they going to have to stop for about 6 weeks and then gradually start back to full training loads. No one wants to tell a high level athlete than and no high level athlete wants to be told that! Unfortunately, there is no way that they can heal in quicker than 6 weeks.
The key signs for a navicular stress fracture are pain over the navicular often located to a particular spot on the navicular (more)
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Medial tibial stress syndrome is a common overuse injury in runners or other athletes that use a lot of running in their training. It is also the most common reason for leg pain when runners talk about “shin splints”. There are a number of different theories as to exactly what it is and a number of different theories as to what causes it.
The treatment usually involves modifying the training routine (eg issues like too much too soon); checking the running shoes; determining if any changes need to be made to the running form; correction of any biomechanical faults; address any issues with bending moments in the tibia; and gradual return to full activity.