
Updates of whats up in Podiatry

Running Drills

With all the interest in recent years on running technique and running form, more and more runners are now spending time to do running drills to help improve their running technique. One of these drills is the 100 Up technique, which is supposed to help teach a better running technique with a forefoot strike. It was first used in the 1800’s and has recently being “rediscovered”.

With its “rediscovery”, it has certainly been given a lot of publicity, but very little critical analysis, as there are some problems with it.

September 1, 2013 Posted by | Sports Medicine | , | Comments Off on Running Drills

Hoka One One

The Hoke One One are new entrant into the running shoe market coming from France. They are what could be considered a maximalist running shoe, having maximum cushioning and support.

The shoe is becoming very popular which is surprising considering all the interest in barefoot running or running in shoes that offer minimal support and minimal cushioning. There are plenty of testimonial from runners to like these shoes.

December 11, 2012 Posted by | Sports Medicine | , | Comments Off on Hoka One One

Barefoot Running Shoes

This sounds something like an oxymoron. How can you have such as thing as barefoot running shoes? A barefoot running shoe is something that probably should be called something else. A shoe that is considered a barefoot running shoes would be a shoe that is so minimal that it does not interfere with the way the foot functions, so it might as well have no shoe on. The Vibram Five Fingers are the most well known. These shoes became a fad in around 2009-2010, but that fad droped off from around 2013-2014 and you hardly ever see anyone running in these types of shoes anymore.

These shoes are not without their controversy as a lot of claims get made for them reducing the injury rate, but those that treat a lot of running injuries are reporting seeing a lot more injuries in runners using these shoes, in some cases, they are quite serious. However, these shoes despite there decline in popularity still exits and are still used by a small hardcore group of runners.

December 5, 2012 Posted by | Sports Medicine | Comments Off on Barefoot Running Shoes

Pose Running

There are a number of different running techniques that runners can use to allegedly be more efficient and reduce the risk for injury. Each of these different techniques have their passionate supporters with little evidence to support one over the other. One of the more high profile approaches is Pose Running, that uses a forefoot strike, shorter stride length and high cadence.

There is not a lot of support for Pose Running from biomechanists and a number of the underpinnings of it are not biomechanically sound. There is one study that suggests that Pose running is less efficient than other forms of running, but those that promote Pose running are very critical of this study.

October 27, 2012 Posted by | Sports Medicine | , , , | Comments Off on Pose Running

Navicular Stress Fracture

I do hate seeing a navicular stress fracture as they usually occur in dedicated athlete who train hard and who put in long hours and are often competing at a high level. I hate seeing it as I have to tell them the news that they going to have to stop for about 6 weeks and then gradually start back to full training loads. No one wants to tell a high level athlete than and no high level athlete wants to be told that! Unfortunately, there is no way that they can heal in quicker than 6 weeks.

The key signs for a navicular stress fracture are pain over the navicular often located to a particular spot on the navicular (more)

September 17, 2012 Posted by | Sports Medicine | , , | Comments Off on Navicular Stress Fracture

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

Medial tibial stress syndrome is a common overuse injury in runners or other athletes that use a lot of running in their training. It is also the most common reason for leg pain when runners talk about “shin splints”. There are a number of different theories as to exactly what it is and a number of different theories as to what causes it.

The treatment usually involves modifying the training routine (eg issues like too much too soon); checking the running shoes; determining if any changes need to be made to the running form; correction of any biomechanical faults; address any issues with bending moments in the tibia; and gradual return to full activity.

More videos

September 9, 2012 Posted by | Sports Medicine | , , | Comments Off on Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

Chi Running

There are many different ways for runners to fine true their running technique and each of them claims to be the best (which is problematic as how can they be?). Chi running is just one of those techniques that a re widely being promoted. We are seeing more and more runners that are getting an injury from trying the Chi running technique.

There are plenty of discussions on the pros and cons of Chi running and analysis of the claims made for it (see this). Most of the claims are exaggerated and do not stack up to detailed scrutiny. Chi running is helpful for some runners and not for others.

July 31, 2012 Posted by | Sports Medicine | | Comments Off on Chi Running

Cuboid Syndrome

This is a relatively common problem due to what appears to be a subluxation of the cuboid bone. Mostly due to some dysfunction with the stability of the bone being easily moved by the peroneus longus tendon that passes under it. Usually the subluxation is best (ref):

Over the longer term foot orthotics (ref) may be needed to help with the stability of the lateral column of the foot. low dye strapping may be helpful in the short term (ref).

July 29, 2012 Posted by | Sports Medicine | | Comments Off on Cuboid Syndrome

Barefoot Running

The whole concept of barefoot running as been sweeping the running community recently but appears to be dying off somewhat now. It has been controversial not because it not a good thing to do but because of the unsubstantiated that the science does not support that get made for it. The has been a lot of misuse of the science by those who support barefoot running. Podiatrists and other who treat running injuries have certainly had more work since the trend to barefoot and minimalist running started, yet those promote it claim there are less injuries occurring. Given that all those who work in running injury clinics are reporting the opposite, its hard to know who to believe without some good science.

The is plenty of discussion about this on podiatry websites and blogs and sports medicine sites. There is no doubt that barefoot running is good for some people and not for others. Its all very individual.

July 1, 2012 Posted by | Sports Medicine | | Comments Off on Barefoot Running

Skechers Toning Shoes FTC Settlement

Skechers toning shoes recently became of hot topic on podiatry sites due to the settlement that they made with the FTC for $40 million:


If Skechers thought they weren’t going to possibly lose their multiple lawsuits, then they wouldn’t be shelling out $40,000,000.00. It’s always a delight to see when these shoe companies who make unsubstantiated marketing claims get hit right where it hurts them most…..in their wallets! More from Podiatry Arena

There has been a lot of interest in the blogosphere about the settlements with the Federal Trade Commission in the USA and the number of class action law suits filed against brands in the fitness or exercise shoe category of footwear. Reebok settled with the FTC for $25 million. Skechers are facing a number of class action suits and just settled with the FTC for $40 million. Vibram Five Fingers are facing a class action case. None of the class action cases have been settled yet and both Reebok and Skechers are still denying any liability but settled with the FTC to avoid protracted hearings and the uncertainty associated with that. Vibram FiveFingers have indicated that they will vigorously defend the class action. More From Professor of Life



Skechers continue to deny any liability and settled as it was a better alternative for the company to move forward. They are still facing a number of class action suits.


June 13, 2012 Posted by | Footwear, Sports Medicine | , | Comments Off on Skechers Toning Shoes FTC Settlement