The Ipswich Touch Test
The loss of sensation in the foot in those with diabetes is a significant problem. There are many different ways that a podiatrist can assess that, ranging from the use of sophisticated tools to simple tests. The recently validated Ipswich Touch Test is one of the simplest:
The Ipswich Touch Test is done by lightly touching the tip of the 5th, 3rd and 1st toes of both feet and seeing if they can feel the touch. Its that simple – it has been shown to be valid and have good sensitivity and specificity for sensory loss. It is not too difficult to imagine what could happen to the foot if they can not feel it being touched. Check these resources on it.
Charcot Foot
This is an unusual and complicated complication of the foot in diabetes. It follows a softening of the bone a subsequent dislocation of the joints and a fracture of the bones in those who general have a nerve problem resulting in them not feeling pain. In this situation, the consequences of all this can be quite severe and difficult to treat.
This problem is becoming more common as the diabetes and obesity epidemic takes hold. This really is a medical emergency as continued weightbearing on the foot will only worsen the problem and this condition really needs to be placed in a plaster cast as soon as possible to prevent further damage (ref). There is plenty of information on the web on this condition.